LELO Relicensing Program
LELO’s experience with re-licensing goes deep as it started 15 years ago as a community outrage to the increased arrests in low-income communities because of unpaid traffic infractions. Through LELO’s community organizing both City of Seattle Municipal Court and King County District Court adopted a partnership with community based organizations to assist communities impacted by driving while suspended. The primary goal was to deter drivers from receiving a criminal penalty because of their driving status or because of the profiling of the poor and communities of color.
Eligibility for the program would be individuals with suspended/ revoked driver’s licenses and with King County Court ticket(s). Intake services at the Burien and Seattle court (see schedule below) includes, but is not limited to, the following individual services: identifying the individual’s licensing holds and court jurisdictions; understanding the listings on the driver license abstract and other related paperwork; write letters to traffic courts Judges, explanation of LELO re-licensing program expectations, requirements, and advocacy services; and enrollment into the our re-licensing program.
Through direct service and case Management, LELO’s Re-licensing Program help individuals set up time payments or community service hours with non-King County District Court (KCDC) court; collection agencies and individuals or insurance agencies. Our program will work with individuals to understand and comply with the Washington State Department of Licensing requirements and resolve holds placed on their driver licenses; will help to work with collection agencies to reduce public debt and will promote programs and policies that enhance the quality of life for low-income, unemployed, partially employed, marginalized and disenfranchised communities through education, advocacy, policy development and community organizing.

LELO staff advises individuals regarding all Washington and Non-Washington State driver’s license issues and develops action plans with individuals to eliminating barriers to reinstate their driver’s licenses.
We’ll be at these courts @ 8:45 AM- Please be on time (Ask for LELO or Martha)
*Seattle Court Hearings @ 516 Third Ave, 3rd floor: First & Second Tuesday of each month
*Burien Court Hearings @ 601 SW 149th St.: First, Second & Third Thursday of each month (this court could address Burien and Auburn Municipal tickets)
For more information: Martha Ramos (206) 860-1400 Martha@lelo.orghttp://www.kingcounty.gov/courts/DistrictCourt/CitationsOrTickets/RelicensingProgram.asp