There Is No Separate Peace
LELO strives to empower low-income workers of color, recent immigrants and women workers to assert their rights, improve their working conditions and gain a voice in their workplaces, trade unions and communities in the U.S. and across the globe.
LELO’s social change strategy is local organizing, with an emphasis on political education, and building solidarity networks with workers across all borders.
Fair Access to Sound Transit Jobs
LELO has relaunched the FAST Jobs Coalition as Sound Transit moves into the surrounding counties to ensure accountability of this public entity to our communities.
Access Re-Licensing Support
For over 20 years, LELO staff has assisted people with suspended driver’s license issues. Currently, we assist those in the City of Seattle’s construction trade priority hire program and court referrals.
Build Worker to Worker Solidarity with LELO
The Tyree Scott International Worker-to-Worker Project was founded in 1997 to to communicate and build with each other an alternative system to capitalism that addresses the needs of workers and their families.
Eat healthy, affordable food with the Blue Corn Coop
The Blue Corn Coop contributes to the transformation of our communities by providing healthy, affordable food while supporting a small farmer of color and his family. Our vision of building community through this project includes the principles of shared ownership, democratic decision-making and shared experiences to build the food sovereignty movement.